Atelerie - Bermuda

Atelerie’s architectural redesign was inspired by the local palette of white Bermuda stone, island sunsets, and the vernacular architecture.

DESCRIPTION: ​ATELERIE​, Bermuda’s leading independent luxury retailer, partnered with New York City-based architectural firms, Tri-Lox and inc_a, to design and fabricate the reopening of their retail flagship. 

The eco-conscious retail environment reflects the brand’s commitment to fine craft, sustainable materials, and ethical production. By featuring natural materials throughout, the space is as an homage to the lush island surroundings.

WHO: ATELERIE (Partner), inc_a (Partner), Tri-Lox (Client)

WHAT: A traditional press outreach campaign to announce the reopening of the luxury retailer amongst the fashion and travel lifestyle media verticals. 

WHERE: Hamilton, Bermuda

WHEN: April 2019

WHY: To provide added value to Tri-Lox’s client, ATELERIE, while positioning Tri-Lox as a formidable design firm capable of successfully completing international projects in the luxury retail arena.

HOW: Developing key messages of the project was of utmost importance for this campaign. Not only did the retail environment (and it’s island location) provide multiple storytelling angles, but with three corporate partners all equally involved in the project, being specific with messaging ensured everyone's role and responsibility was appropriately highlighted.

A press release was developed that strategically communicated all parties involvement and their individual approaches to the project. This led to press opportunities across verticals and easy pick-up within the media.

Being strategic with timing, we announced the reopening when spring fashion, and travel to the tropics was of high interest. This, coupled with the environment’s sustainable design approach, led to strong profile stories that all referenced desired messaging.

RESULTS: Press coverage of the campaign included — Metropolis, Women’s Wear Daily, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure, AFAR, design:retail

It’s difficult for architecture to truly capture the spirit of a place, but that’s what the designers of Atelerie’s new location in Hamilton, Bermuda, set out to do.
— Laurel Rogers, Editorial Fellow, Metropolis Magazine
All photography courtesy of Tri-Lox/Arion Doerr

All photography courtesy of Tri-Lox/Arion Doerr