DESCRIPTION: ​GNARBOX 2.0 SSD is a rugged backup device for professional content creators who need the most reliable way to back up their files in the field. Unlike other visual content storage solutions, its compact design and powerful on-board backup features make it effortless to manage files without a laptop. 


WHAT: An on-going scope of work for strategic media relations.    

WHERE: Santa Monica, CA

WHEN: July 2017 - January 2020

WHY: To position GNARBOX as the market leading backup and storage device, and to drive sales that would in turn support GNARBOX’s investor relations.

Gnarbox 2.0 backup SSD is a photographer’s best friend in the field and at home
— Darrell Etherington, Sr. Editor - TECHCRUNCH

HOW: GNARBOX approached Told By Thomas in the summer of 2017, after receiving less than ideal press coverage when they first entered the market two years prior. Because the technology has been available for sometime at that point, press reception was low at the start of the relationship. 

It took four months of constant pitching to get GNARBOX press coverage, however, media begets media, and once they were on the journalist's radar…..the media coverage became consistent. 

In Spring 2018, after rebuilding their fan base and relationships with the press, GNARBOX announced that they were crowdfunding the second generation to their breakout product. Thanks to strategic outreach, the announcement went viral in the press with the likes of The Verge, Engadget, Digital Trends and many others all covering the news. 

GNARBOX 2.0 SSD was launched via Kickstarter in April 2018 and reached its goal of raising $75,000 in under 39mins! A press release was developed which led to even more earned media coverage highlighting the consumer excitement surrounding the new generation of GNARBOX.

RESULTS (PART I): Engadget, Digital Trends, The Verge, Gear Patrol,  No Film School, PetaPixel, FStoppers, Popular Science, and countless others!  

With strategic planning and communications, the initial momentum of the new generation lasted until the actual product hit the market in October 2019. Again, the media was quick to write about the anticipated technology finally hitting the market after 1+ year of development. 

By launching GNARBOX 2.0 SSD right before the start of the holiday season, the brand saw a dramatic increase in sales, and even received multiple placements in the coveted Holiday Gift Guides. 

It was quite literally a full-circle moment working with GNARBOX. At the start of our relationship, they did not have enough press coverage to establish confidence with their investors. Our relationship came to a close to avoid media fatigue….an ideal way to end a prosperous venture. 

Over the course of our three year relationship, I garnered over 500M+ earned media impressions for the California-based tech firm. I continue to work with GNARBOX on a per project basis. 

RESULTS (PART II): The Verge, TechCrunch, Forbes, 9to5Mac, DP Review, Engadget, Gear Patrol, SLR Lounge, Cinema5D, FStoppers, and many more!